Technical Skills
  • Development:  Full-Stack Responsive, Project and Team Management, Raw Responsive CSS, Bootstrap, Project Estimating, *nix Apache, Windows IIS, Heroku, mLab
  • Languages:  PHP (OO / Procedural), HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, Perl, ASP, VBScript
  • Database:  MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MS Access
  • DB Utilities:  phpMyAdmin, MySQL Workbench, SQLite DB Browser, pgAdmin, Robomongo (now Robo3t), MongoDB Compass
  • Editors:  Sublime, Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, Atom, IDLE, PyCharm, Jupyter
  • APIs:  REST/JSON/XML, Google (Maps, Analytics, OAuth, G+), YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Authorize, Weather,
  • Popular Open Source:  WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, PrestaShop, oscommerce
  • Other Related:  OOD/OOP, Version Control (GIT / SVN), MVC, RSS, Regex, Smarty Templating, Photoshop, Illustrator, PSP

  • In-Depth (Competency):  Python, Django, Flask, Tkinter
  • Current Training:  Laravel
  • On-Going:  MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js (MERN Stack)
  • Minor Experience:  Java, ColdFusion, Android

  • Laravel:  Composer, Artisan, Collective Forms
  • Python:  Django, Django REST Framework, pip, bcrypt, beautifulsoup, pillow, pylint, pytz, Flask, Flask Security, SQLAlchemy, Nginx, Gunicorn, Mutagen
  • Node.js:  express, mongoose, npm, yarn, nodemon, handlebars, yargs, axios,, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Async / Await, crypto-js, bcryptjs, body-parser, lodash, validator, passport, passport-google-oauth, connect-flash, moment, mustache.js, Hashing, Security, Authentication)
  • Node Testing:  Mocha, Expect, Supertest, Rewire, Postman
  • React.js:  JSX, Babel, Webpack, validator, react-modal, react-router, redux, uuid, numeral
  • React.js Testing:  jest, react-test-renderer, Snapshot, Enzyme, shallow

Related Technical:
  • Server CPs:  Web Host Manager (WHM) with Full Server Control, cPanel, Plesk, GoDaddy, pair, 1and1, HostGator, DotEasy, CrystalTech, Network Solutions, others
  • Other:  Domain Names / Services (DNS), Putty, Git Bash, Cron

(View Soft Skills)

“I found myself thinking like our sales guys and trying to get into other people's leads. Despite my best efforts (manipulating URL's) I couldn't see any leads but those I'm supposed to. I just got a nice little message telling me to check with service if you feel you received this message in error. I LOVE that!!”